Thumbnail for #130: First Moments with Grunt

#130 First Moments with Grunt

Running Time: 33:30

There are all these tasks that we need to do as front end developers. Concatenate and compress our files. Run our preprocessors. Optimize images. Run tests. The list goes on and on. Using different tools for all of them is …

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Thumbnail for #126: Using Modernizr

#126 Using Modernizr

Running Time: 23:45

Should Modernizr be part of every modern web project? Not necessarily. In this screencast I talk about how you need Modernizr when you plan to do something specifically different depending on its browser support determination. …

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Thumbnail for #121: The Right CMS is a Customized One

#121 The Right CMS is a Customized One

Running Time: 16:25

The perfect CMS to suite the needs of any non-trivial content-oriented website does not come out-of-the-box. They require customization. For instance, a feature article for a news site isn’t just a title and content anymore. It’s a title, optional subtitle, …

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Thumbnail for #115: Don’t Overthink It Grids

#115 Don’t Overthink It Grids

Running Time: 17:19

Even if the layout of a site is simple as a main content area on the left and a sidebar on the right, that’s a grid. There are new layout methods in CSS that are getting closer to prime time …

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Thumbnail for #113: Creating and Using a Custom Icon Font

#113 Creating and Using a Custom Icon Font

Running Time: 21:46

As we’ve said around here many times: icon fonts are awesome. They are efficient in the same way CSS sprites are efficient: lots of images usable for different areas/purposes in one single download. But they are even more awesome than …

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Thumbnail for #112: Using CodePen

#112 Using CodePen

Running Time: 12:53

CodePen is an app for sharing and playing around with front end code. I made it with some friends of mine: Alex Vazquez and Tim Sabat. In this typical ramble-ridden screencast I introduce what it is, what it’s for, how …

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Everything You Need To Know About SVG

Using SVG can be very simple, but if you start digging in, there is a lot to know about SVG. In his series you're going to learn why SVG is such an important part of building websites. From why SVG is useful and how to get your hands on it all the way to implementing it as a system and fancy stuff like animating it.

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